DiaCam360 Application Release Log

Version (23.7.23)

System change

·         Update to TLS 1.2.

Version (15.8.22)

Bug fix

·         Rapnet feature is not updating or deleting links of selected scans.

Version (19.7.22)

Bug fix

·         Scans are not uploading to external AWS storage when videoNameAsScanName feature is On.

·         Update Company Details to all existing scans is getting stuck because of DB lock and not starting again when the app is loading since the temp folders does not exist.

Version (30.3.22)

New feature

·         New HD picture is created for each scan available through adding /hd at the end of the link.

System change

·         NewData.db is now backed up in backup bucket when the application is closing.

Bug fix

·         CSV and XLS files take too much time because of API reading for each line.

·         New application installation or reinstall does not install the drivers.

·         External account can't download video.

·         External account can't download files and certificate.

·         External account can't open certificate when clicking on the lab link in the table of scans.

·         External account links are missing the bucket's name in the online DB.

·         Scans with special characters in their name cannot be download at all or downloads with wrong name.

Version )2.3.22)

System change

·         Re-arrange the save mechanism of new scans and rename of existing scans in case the name is already exist.

·         Handling stuck scans in "Processing" status without a folder in "camera1" folder.

·         Change mp4 download process to be faster.

·         Fix "Show Mode" status.

Bug fix

·         Recreate mp4 video creates faster video.

·         Edit an existing scan change its fps to 25.

·         External AWS links are saves wrong on the online DB server.

Version (29.12.21)

New feature

·         In Photography Services accounts - right click on a scan under "My Scans" table will open a sub-menu with "Show Contact Details" that will show a popup with the owner of the scan.

·         In Photography Services accounts - right click on a contact under "Manage Contacts" will open a sub-menu with "Show Contact's Scans" that will show all specific contact's scan.

·         Add the option to choose what will be the default link for accounts with more than one storage.

System change

·         Change category name to "Manage Contacts" instead of "Manage Emails" under "App Settings".

·         Change right-click sub-menu "Add Scans to User Account" to "Add Scans to Contact" in Photography Services accounts.

·         Scans upload is done in queue (one by one) instead of parallel when "No Internet" is set in the user's account.

·         Separate the “Path” from the “Public URL” link in external FTP accounts.

·         Add new “Paris” region added to AWS.

Bug fix

·         Right click on contact line under "Manage Contacts" open the sub-menu to all accounts and not only to Photography Services accounts.

·         Link of new scan is regular although it is configured to add the scan/company name under "Settings".

·         Account is marked as "Photography Service" when "No Internet" feature is ON and starting the application with no internet.

·         After new account installation the "Crop" feature is disabled.

·         After new account installation there is no default selection of "Type" and Item" in Scan options.

·         It is possible to create again a pair scan that is already exist.


New feature

·         "Re-create MP4 Video" option was added to the MP4 sub-menu to be able to create the mp4 video again while settings are modified.

System change

·         Add new shapes to the Shape drop down list: Briolette, Bullets, Calf, European Cut, Flanders, Half Moon, Hexagonal, Kite, Lozenge, Octagonal, Old Miner, Pentagonal, Rose, Shield, Star, Trapezoid.

·         Scans limit is now calculated according to the number of scans in the local scans table.

·         Cancel the application's block to close while there are scans in "Processing" and making sure temporary folders under "camera1" are not deleted when the application starts so the Processing stage will start over.

Bug fix

·         Re-activating the DiaCam360 application does not initiate the drivers installation.

·         AWS external accounts can't edit existing scans because of missing or extra '/' in the command,


System change

·         Modify Links under Settings window builds from scratch the links under DiaCamServerPath using AwsFolder and DiaCamServerID.

·         Rewrite the update Rapnet function to send the correct link.

Bug fix

·         In certain settings with white background there is a black line on the right side of the frames

·         Crop window is not centered.

·         Open MP4 Video opens the regular link instead.

·         Company details are not showing in new scans although checked in Settings.

·         Camera is not connected error message.


Bug fix

·         B2C link is not updated in local DB when B2C Automatic Duplicate feature is ON.

·         CSV and XLS files are wrong from multiple cloud accounts.

·         Crush while trying to open the thumbnail under My Scans.

·         Crush when Arduino reports a problem with the motor.

·         Crush while processing is getting false attribute in Preview window.


System change

·         Remove Type and Item columns from the "My Scans" table when screen resolution is low or in minimize window position.

Bug fix

·         Can't search for Pairs in the search field.

·         Sporadic crashes during scan process because of poor memory handling.


System change

·         Move version upgrade controlling to the DB online.

Bug fix

·         Scans stuck on "Waiting to update defaults" after "update all scans" procedure under "Settings" window because of ID=NULL in DB.

·         Out of memory crash because of frames in memory are not released.

·         Resolution problem at 1st generation cameras.


New feature

·         New option to reupload scans to FTP cloud for 2 uploaders accounts by right click on existing scans.

System change

·         Adjust sharpness level to avoid graining.

·         Minor windows adjustments to better fit on different screens resolutions.

Bug fix

·         Fix application getting stuck when canceling a scan in the middle of the process.

·         Fix sporadic crashed due to Arduino communication failure.

·         Fix sporadic crashes due to memory handling issues (since the DiaCam360 application becomes much faster in the new version with the Core).

·         When trying to update only the scan on DiaCam360 cloud, in 2 uploaders accounts, it tries updating also the scan on the FTP cloud and getting stuck.


New feature

·         New automatic procedure in Admin Tab under Settings screen to re-upload scan's pictures from DiaCam360 cloud to FTP server (multiple uploaders).

System change

·         Automatic sharpness applied to save scans for optimum results.

Bug fix

·         Fix application crash when closing the Preview Window and starting a new scan while the 10 sec timer is still on.

·         Information message do not appear when trying to close the application while scans are still processing.

·         Search under Manage Emails is case sensitive.

·         Fix full installation process.


New feature

·         Advanced search panel for multiple attributes search.

·         Improved Crop tool that enables dragging and pulling its frame from the center or its edges.

·         Online Website panel under Settings screen to see login credentials and features.

·         GAI API panel under Settings screen to manage API Key and view limits and usage.

·         Bulk Scans Update with Company Details, View and B2C Settings.

·         Option to control the scan spin speed and update all current scans.

·         Manage saved email addresses under Settings screen.

·         New panels to control each cloud type (DiaCam360, FTP, AWS) under Settings screen.

·         Add "Item" field in Scan Details window to switch between items and types.

·         Admin Tab added under Settings screen to allow different admin operations.

System change

·         New look&feel interface + changing all screens from Windows Forms to WPF.

·         Core management for efficient and faster response.

·         New design for Scan combinations screen.

·         New Website features created on DB to allow controlling Website access and Premium features.


System change

·         Auto Crop starts immediately while checking the feature in the local DB instead of the API.

·         White generic frame is created in case the preview window cannot retrieve all frames.

·         "Is exist" check for new Pair scan is not performed on DiaCam360 cloud storage.

Bug fix

·         GIA certs are not updated under "My Scans" although they are updated in the scan itself.

·         Scans are not uploading due to wrong uploading status in DB.

·         Application crash while editing an existing scan.

·         Can't save or upload new scan with the word "Pair" in it.


New feature

·         Option to send scans to multiple emails.

System change

·         Change mp4 video ratio to 800x600.

·         Move the spin arrows below the button.

·         Add labs API communication to the log.

·         Update user's profile and features in the local DB when the application starts.

·         Build a new JS for Brilliant Earth spinning.

·         Cancel DB and log backups to the cloud when closing the application.

Bug fix

·         Emails popup list is left open after choosing an email from the list.

·         Certificate pdf file is not deleted from DiaCam360 folder in Edit.

·         Scans are duplicated in the DB because they marked as ADD instead of EDIT.

·         Table of scans is "locked" after creating a new pair scan.

·         5 minutes timer is not working after canceling a scan in the middle of the process.

·         Sporadic application crash:

o    Trying to edit an existing scan while in sort or search

o    Clear memory when turning on the camera

o    Can't play one of the frames in the Preview window

o    Can't open or write the scan combination into the DB

o    Can't create the Contact table in the DB for the first time


New feature

·         Bulk Deletion using csv file.

·         MP4 video file and pictures support for pairs.

System change

·         Support for the new GIA API lookups service.

·         Change application to have a CORE and disconnect from the old DB (scansdb.dia).

·         'Delete', 'Update Rapnet', 'Create a Pair', 'Download MP4 Video' and 'Download Files' processes are now running in the background.

·         New design for the Send by Email window.

·         Improve search mechanism in My Scans table for faster response.

·         Copy NewData.db file from server backup when activating an existing customer.

·         Support paused embed with play button for Brilliant Earth.

·         Support mp4 file in API.

·         Update AWS SDK following Amazon changes.

·         Thumbnail changed from zoom file to normal

Bug fix

·         Fix crush because of NULL images in Preview window.

·         Fix crush because of Object reference error.

·         Fix crush because of SQL Cannot access a disposed object.

·         Fix crush because the application is waiting for another frame when closing the app.


Bug fix

·         Fix date format in My Scans table.


System change

·         New GIA Report Check API.


Bug fix

·         Fix crush due to "Object is currently in use elsewhere".

·         Fix crush after the 5 minutes of timer ends.

·         Contacts table is not created for new users.


Bug fix

·         Fix crush due to "Object is currently in use elsewhere" (Preview window).

·         Fix crush due to NULL frame when closing the scan window.

·         Fix crush while trying to edit an existing scan with Girdle-to-Girdle settings.

·         Fix crush while trying to edit an existing scan with a new name.


Bug fix

·         Fix crush due to "Object is currently in use elsewhere" - Preview window.

·         Account's parameters are missing in the local DB for new customers just activated the application.


System change

·         Delete temp folders and files under Camera1 folder each time a scan is ready for upload.

·         When application uploads adding temp names to empty Name fields in DB (No Name1, No Name2 etc.).

Bug fix

·         Fields text in scan's drawer are cut.

·         Retry upload mechanism caused NULL entries in the server DB.

·         SQL database is locked crash.

·         Sorting' is not allowed during an AddNew or EditItem transaction crash.

·         Object is currently in use elsewhere crash.

·         Video files cannot be downloaded because of an empty folder name in local DB.

·         Save button is off in scan's details window if retrieving cert details first.

·         When application opens and start scanning, after the 5 minutes of timer ends there is a blank white window.

·         Embed code is not added to emails when account is on an external AWS cloud.


Bug fix

·         Application is stuck when uploading and NewData.db does not exist since settings.dia is empty.

·         5 min timer is not stopping after starting a scan a crash the application.

·         Sporadic crashes due to uEye and SQL issues.


System change

·         Modify Scan Link process is now updating only NewData.db for fast response.

·         Send by email, export to csv/xls, share via WhatsApp and Facebook and QR code are now using data from NewData.db file.

·         settings.dia file is created from NewData.db every time the application is uploaded.

·         Cancel old Scans Table to all accounts.

·         Server Side - Delete temp DB backup file in Ubuntu. Files are stored in S3.

Bug fix

·         Crash while trying to write into NewData.db while backup of file is ongoing.

·         Crash while trying to load camera settings ini files.

·         Server Side - Embed version is not working if enter (new line) is used in Comments field.


System change

·         Align the backup process of NewData and ScansDB files when application is open, creating a pair, editing a scan and creating new scan.


System change

·         Open for editing the Scan Info text block in Send by Email form.

·         Create a pair now has Item and Type inherited from one of its child. Now those fields and the Comment field can be edited.

·         New “Delete Cert” button added to the scan’s drawer to be able to delete existing cert files.

Bug fix

·         Sporadic crashes because of camera missing frame, sorting table of scans and writing to new DB.

·         Changing the scan Type in scan details page is not saved in the table.


Bug fix

·         Fix retry uploading process after application is closed.


New feature

·         For Public Camera only: create a mechanism to "attach" scans to photography services customers so they will be able to see all their scans in the online page.

System change

·         Add values to the buttons at the beginning of scan (Brightness, Saturation, Red, Green and Blue).

·         Set the mechanism of preventing closing the application while in processing to work with NewData.db instead of scanDb.db.

·         Change "Reply to" to "From" in email window.

·         Make Edit, Create a Pair, Delete and New Scan process to be faster by changing backup procedure.

·         Change to work with new GIA API and now only cert number is necessary.

Bug fix

·         Fix re-activation process through diacam_settings.dia file.

·         Fix crush due to table height in My Scans table.

·         Fix crash due to sorting while edit or new scan.

·         Fix crash due to camera disconnect at the end of the scan process.

·         Fix B2C settings of scans in edit mode are not working although the feature is ON.

·         Server Side: Social and Labs features are not ON when creating new account.

·         Brightness button is not working at the beginning of scan process.

·         Fix automatic features list mechanism update after 12 hours.

·         Fix all buttons are closed while clicking "Reset" on Preview window.

·         After closing the DiaCam360 application the sensitivity is setting back to default level of 60.

· - 5 min timer is not stopping after starting a scan a crash the application.


Bug fix

·         Fix crash when automatically setting the scan details window to full screen.

·         Fix crush in Preview Window due to wrong timer setting of Pro-Toolkit.

·         Fix crash in old My Scans table when editing a scan because of missing cert file handling.

·         Fix crash in old My Scans table when retrieving cert through API.

·         Fix crash while trying to delete temp bmp image file.

·         Fix crash due to upload timer to external cloud. Change to 6 time instead of 4.


New feature

·         Server side: Added an option to reach scans also through the following link structure: https://up.diacam360.com/scan/?user=<user_id>&scan=<Scan_Name>.

System change

·         Maximize scans details window to show missing Save and Cancel buttons in specific small screens.

·         Change B2C and Rapnet settings to reflect the status of the feature in the server.

·         Eliminate Save and Cancel buttons functionality in scan details page while retrieving cert data.

·         Move all labs API to work through the server for better control and manipulation.

·         Add GIA API for colored diamond identification and origin reports.

·         Server side: the name of the single scan is added to the embed html of pair scan.

·         Cancel old scan options window also for accounts with "entitled for upgrade"=0.

·         Change % Rap field name to % Discount.

·         Add Labs feature to control labs API functionality.

·         Add Social feature to control sharing via Facebook and WhatsApp functionality.

Bug fix

·         Fix sorting of Weight field in "My Scans" table.

·         Fix search of weight not showing results.

·         Fix application crash while doing sort after pair scan creation.

·         Server side: fix problem to open PDF cert files in Android phones.

·         External AWS credentials under Settings are deleted when closing the application.


New feature

·         Saving all email addresses used in "send by email" feature into the NewData.db and showing them in a drop-down menu for easy access and creating an auto complete mechanism.

·         B2C settings added to the "Settings" -> "Scan Defaults" window.

·         Add a reference to get the images of pair scan by adding A or B divider. e.g. <link>/img/a/001.jpg

·         Now it is possible to edit and change a pair scan's settings (B2C & view options).

System change

·         Client & Server side: A new algorithm for creating a pair scan according to the single scans' settings.

·         Cancel options for 125% and 150% view size.

·         Increase by 5 seconds the automatic electricity cut-off at the end of a scan.

·         Migrate all setting and user parameters from simple settings.dia file to the NewData.db

·         Pro-Toolkit is always True in the application and disabled as a feature.

·         Enable extended log file.

·         Change Pro-Toolkit filters change timer to be 3 seconds after the last click.

·         Change default Sharpness level to 4 instead of 3.

·         Add GCAL to lab list.

·         New "Please Wait" message when closing the application.

·         Now when downloading files of scans the certificate, if exist, is added too.

·         Change NewData.db backup at application start to be async and only if it is new or changed.

Bug fix

·         Server side: Open jpg and png certs in 100% view when using /cert in the link.

·         Fix sorting table of scans by Weight.

·         Fix sorting table of scans by Clarity.

·         Fix application crush while saving more than two mp4 videos of scans with an existing name of file.

·         When changing data during edit and clicking "Edit" on other scan, although answering "Yes" to discard changes the new data of the first scan is not changed back until the application is started again.

·         Lab name is case sensitive preventing from retrieving details if not entered as in the drop-down list.

·         Application crash while few scans are uploading and trying to create new scan because the DB is in use.

·         Application crash while preview window is opened since a file is being used by other application (like AntiVirus) or while during picture clone.

·         Fix backup of log file is not done when closing the application because it was defined as a-synced process.

·         Remove the backup of scansdb.dia potentially causing errors and backup only BackupNewData.db.

·         Server side: Change the meta image link on the html from a direct link to the php link so the thumbnails will appear in WhatsApp, Facebook and sending scans by email.

·         Downloading mp4 videos fails because of missing server folder written in the local DB.

·         Upgrade fails because of apostrophe (') in company name.

·         FTP credentials under Settings are deleted when closing the application.

·         Counter of scans is wrong in warning message when deleting scan with their pair scans.

·         When downloading MP4 videos of scans with the same name only one video is saved. Now it will add underscore and number for each scan with the same name (e.g. _1).


Bug fix

·         Fix some resolution problems in table of scans and scan windows.

·         An extra ; is added in the beginning of a link when sending an email with the mp4 link in external storage accounts.

·         Application crash while clicking on link in scan table.

·         Application crash while stopping scan and camera in not answering.


Bug fix

·         Crash during upload scans because of date issues when writing data in old DB.

·         Crash while closing the application because the camera is sending a null picture.

·         Crash while there is a multiple writing into the DB for multiple scans.


Bug fix

·         Fix wrong ini file upload to the camera.

·         Fix bright.ini is not uploading in first scan phase.

·         Fix missing frames in finished scans because of date issue to update the old DB.


Bug fix

·         Fix wrong http/https URL for accounts with external AWS storage.


Bug fix

·         Fix application crash while editing an existing scan during search.

·         Fix application "stuck" for a long time after first upgrade to the new DB.

·         Fix empty scan link for new scans created for specific accounts.

·         Fix automatic upgrade window disappear behind the main upload window.


System change

·         Cancel scans selection after email sending.

·         Re-order fields in scan's details form for normal TAB movement.

·         New scan options window does not appear if "entitled for upgrade" is false.

·         Support new upgrade for 32bit Operating Systems.

Bug fix

·         Fix application crash when open with no internet connection.

·         Fix upgrade stuck during new DB creation for specific accounts.

·         Fix empty scan link for new scans created for specific accounts.

·         Fix random application crashes.


System change

·         Change "My Scans" table:

o    Now works with SQL DB instead of flat DB.

o    New categories of items: Diamond, Rough, Gemstone and Jewelry:

§  Scans can be sorted according to items.

§  Each item has a specific type that can be sorted too.

o    Showing thumbnail for each scan.

o    Lab info in field is clickable opening the cert if exist.

o    Expendable drawer for each scan showing:

§  Additional measurements and details of the stone derived from the lab.

§  Fields to enter prices.

§  Color of background used in the scan.

§  Pair scan link if a specific scan is part of a pair scan.

New Feature

·         Button to download MP4 Video file.

·         Button to download scan's files – MP4 video, front, back and side pictures.

·         Button to create a QR code for each scan. Scanning the QR code with smartphone will open the scan's link.

·         Button to share a scan on Facebook.

·         Button to share scan/s on WhatsApp.


Bug fix

·         Fix broken links for new scans when the change link feature is enabled.

·         Margin is created although the feature is OFF.


Bug fix

·         Remark Margins feature in code.

·         Features check while internet connection is off causing all features to be on.

·         Fix API so DiaCam360 links will be https instead of http.

·         Change all previous DiaCam360 links from http to https


System change

·         Application support for 64bit OS.

Bug fix

·         Fix retry mechanism to reconnect to the camera after the USB was disconnected.

·         JSON returned with "bad response" creating error loop.

·         Filters caused sporadic crashes.

·         Crop settings caused sporadic crashes.


System change

·         Add a "scan not available" web page for links of deleted scans.

Bug fix

·         Objects are missing or cut white editing an existing scan.

·         Deleting a scan which is part of a pair does not delete the pair link.

·         Edit an existing scan while "Modify Scan Link" is enabled creates wrong link.

·         Creating a pair while "Modify Scan Link" is enabled creates wrong link.

·         Clicking on "Select all" box after searching scans selects the entire scans table.

·         Out of memory errors (invoke in log) as a result of full scans re-loading while sorting the table of scans.

·         Show regular error message instead of "allocate memory failed" message when trying to connect the camera and there is a USB port failure.

·         Various crashes caused by wrong handling of paging table of scans.

·         Missing arrows and scanning bar appear in scan window after several restart scans and internet connection fails in between (relevant only for public camera's).

·         Add default of white stone with black background to "Scan Options".


System change

·         Add images links to exported csv or xls files.

·         Change thumbnails in scan page to show Zoom images instead of Normal.

·         Change Select All box to reflect selecting all scans or several scans.

Bug fix

·         Fix Pro-Toolkit filters working slowly due to files dump to release memory.

·         Fix Delete and Create a Pair not working when selecting scans through search field.

·         Fix random application crashes.


System change

·         Cancel all Normal frames beside "cam1_normal_001.jpg".

·         Remove unnecessary details from log file.

Bug fix

·         Fix windows resolution causing windows to cut on the edges or to stretch pictures.

·         Fix random application crashes because of icons, open tasks, wrong calculations and not releasing opened pictures in Preview window.


System change

·         Change IGI's server address for API retrievals.

Bug fix

·         Fix "select all" function in the new partial scan's table.

·         Fix crash when auto-upgrading from earlier versions than

·         Fix AutoUpdate.exe close by Windows.


System change

·         Load bulks of 150 scans each time in "My Scans" for faster upload and overall application responses.

·         Add "Loading scans" status message when searching in table of scans.

·         Change navigation icons.

·         Change to a single window module to reduce resources and memory use.

·         Upload table of scans when the application starts for faster response.

·         Add a message when checking the camera's drivers

Bug fix

·         Fix random crashes.


System change

·         Lock save button in the details form after click.

Bug fix

·         Fix random crashes.


System change

·         Eliminate Nicanor functionality.

·         Change shape name retrieved via GIA API from "shape" to "fullShapeDescription".

·         Remove GIA PDF ascii appearance in log file.

·         Lock the minimum size of crop available for small stones.


Bug fix

·         Fix failed connection to new DiaCam360 server.


Bug fix

·         Fix “Change Link” feature not saved under settings.

·         Fix local account for demo cannot re-open application because the service is still up after closing the application.

System change

·         Remove additional labs API call before saving scans for Nicanor update.

·         Change GIA API calls format from XML to JSON.

·         Add DSI to labs list.

·         Add an option to re-send user name and password to a specific store in photography services accounts.

·         Modify photography services accounts to be able to work with Nicanor links.


Bug fix

·         Fix Nicanor sync issue. Email ID <> Email Address.


System change

·         Change Amazon keys due to account fraudulent activity.


System change

·         Add AGL, SSEF, Gubelin, GRS to LAB list.

·         Add Emerald Cut to Shape list.

Bug fix

·         Fix Edit failure while trying to edit scans on FTP cloud due to path.

·         Fix "No FTP Copy" showing instead of link in multiple uploads due to scan's flag.

·         Fix new account activation failure due to version check.


System change

·         Add "EGL USA" to labs list.

Bug fix

·         Fix crash while trying to copy scan link to clipboard.

·         More details in log related to "value cannot be null" crash.

·         Fix crop lines disappear in full size.

·         Fix extra margins while crop in full size.

·         Add specific message when trying to scan with an old version while there is a new one in the server.

·         Freeze “Start scan” button for 2 seconds before start scanning to fix crop mechanism.


System change

·         Handle error messages and crashes received by support email.

Bug fix

·         Fix Edit and Delete scans problem in FTP accounts.

·         Fix Edit scan crash while choosing one scan and searching for another scan.

·         Handle "value cannot be null" crash

·         Minor bugs fix.


New feature

·         New visual and easy to use scanning option page that also saves the last choice made.

·         Auto crop mechanism that identifies the stone entered and automatically creates the perfect crop for the stone.

·         CSV automatic mechanism to sync stones prices, location, details and availability from any Stock management system into Nicanor platform.

System change

·         Optimize download scan mechanism on the server side so each scan now downloads very fast.

·         Increase spin's speed from 17 to 25 fps for smoother spinning.

·         A new alert message appears when trying to save a scan with a name of a scan that is already exist, asking to overwrite or to rename. Excluding photography services accounts.

·         Add AGS to labs list.

·         Handling and deleting GIA PDF files accumulating in the server after each retrieval.

Bug fix

·         Remove Rapnet's warning message that the scan name does not exist on Rapnet causing the upload process of scans to stuck.

·         External links starting with IP are not clickable on grid and causing opening new pair to crash.

·         Choosing two scans using the search field crash if choosing "Create Pair" and sending only one scan through "Send by Email".

·         Handling error messages while deleting scans on external clouds.


System change

·         Send full parameters list from labs to Nicanor.

Bug fix

·         Fix auto update getting stuck.

·         Fix crash while trying to get B2C link or sending by email.

·         Fix export problem while file type is missing under Brows.


System change

·         Add an option to send log file by one click in the Support tab.

·         Photography services –

o    Mouse focus when users table is opened.

o    Change list order to show new entries up in the list.

Bug fix

·         Fix crash while trying to get details from GIA and failing due to internet connection.

·         Fix crash while updating Rapnet and get empty response from API.


New feature

·         HRD and IGI automatic details and certificate upload.

·         Rapnet automatic link update is enabled now.

System change

·         Disable Nicanor notification after upgrade.

·         Force upgrade. Disable the  option to cancel automatic upgrade.

·         Photography services new features to handle users on Nicanor:
Edit user, Add user, Resend registration email.

Bug fix

·         Nicanor initial sync page is not closing after process ends.


New feature

·         Add support and infrastructure for Nicanor online platform.

Bug fix

·         Fix minor bugs and error.


System change

·         In smartphones, open certificate inside the scan’s current tab.

·         Change PHP to use iframe when adding /hdimg/<frame number> or /img/<frame number> and to get the frame itself when adding ".jpg" at the end /hdimg/<frame number>.jpg or /img/<frame number>.jpg.

·         Remove DiaCam360 nickname when sending scans by email.

·         Add log file to crash emails.

·         Replace between Color and Size fields location.

·         Handle error message mechanism.

Bug fix

·         Scans are stuck in 99% uploading.

·         Upload retry loop appears in log.

·         GIA automatic retrieval returns empty.


System change

·         Change some error messages.

Bug fix

·         In FTP account when trying to edit a missing scan the action succeed and a new folder creates with only html files.


System change

·         Update Amazon Region list.

·         Display Secret Access Key as asterisks in AWS external profile.

·         Recognize GIA in any way of typing (lower case and spaces) for the automatic information and certificate upload.

·         Add support for automatic retrieval of GIA Colored Diamond Identification and Origin Reports.

·         When scan information form opens the courser is inside the first field.

Bug fix

·         When "Cancel" is clicked in scan information form the software window disappears.

·         Status is not changing from "Processing" to "Waiting for upload" until switching to another form. It is also possible to exit the program.

·         When closing the program while uploading and opening again, start uploading to a new folder with the current timestamp but the final link is the first (and not fully uploaded) folder – only for S3 user.


New feature

·         Black Background settings added for extra exposure.

Bug fix

·         Fix some embed/iframe issues like remove background and size control.

·         Fix temporary folder handling for better performance and error handling.


System change

·         Change GIA API to show FULL_SHAPE_DESCRIPTION instead of SHAPE.

·         Change video creation mechanism to create video automatically when creating a new scan.


New feature

·         Uploading bar feature.

System change

·         Automatic Sharpen filter change to be 3.

·         Add CGL to lab drop down menu.

·         Enable multiple uploaders.

Bug fix

·         Fix error message from Rapnet after each scan deletion.


Bug fix

·         Fix application sporadic crashes mainly because of temp frames deletion.


New feature

·         Proxy settings added for corporates with tight security blanket.

·         Infrastructure for Rapnet new premium feature.

System change

·         Excluding minus sign (-) from special characters change to underscore (_).

·         Change local web service to port 80 for local marketing account

Bug fix

·         Fix wrong number of frames update when editing an existing scan. It was taken from the profile instead of the scan DB.

·         Fix "No FTp Link" in “My Scans” while processing frames in FTP profile.

·         Fix sub menu while edit old scan with B2C duplicate feature on.


System change

·         Change processing frames phase to work in the background.

·         Change “Send by Email” feature to allow:

o    Sending multiple scans

o    Sending to multiple email addresses

o    Sending multiple links & details (MP4 link and/or embed code)

o    Ability to customize the email subject and body text


System change

·         New settings for GemStones family (Red, Green and Blue).

Bug fix

·         Fix application crash while trying to edit a scan on FTP storage.


System change

·         Configure working directory for DiaCam360 local files.

Bug fix

·         Fix counters bug with ftp/local/external cloud accounts (scans limit).


System change

·         Display certificate image in full size window.

·         Facebook metatags for external cloud and ftp scans.

·         Certificate thumbnail icon changed.

·         Edit scan details form - for internal use.

·         Copy scan links to another storage profile - for internal use.

·         Update scan link in admin server while edit scan.

·         User deactivation in admin panel do not stop user’s activity.

Bug fix

·         Fix application crash while open created pair in dialog.


System change

·         Replace “Create video” button.

Bug fix

·         Fix position for web site and patent lines when resizing window.


New feature

·         Create MP4 movie from scan frames.

·         Now it is possible to change the scan's 360 window size to 50%, 75%, 125% and 150%.

·         External AWS cloud support added.

·         No Internet feature to be able scanning without internet connection.

System change

·         Run filters on normal frames too instead of resizing the zoom frames.

·         Multi-thread issues with scans uploading.

·         Remove scan availability check before Edit and Create a Pair.

·         0 (zero) in Scans Limit in user’s profile for unlimited scans.

·         Demo (local) user with 0 (zero) in Scans Limit for full completion of scan with no internet (offline mode).

·         Memory usage optimization.

Bug fix

·         Fixed “Scan already exist” error.

·         Fixed exception "the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process".


System change

·         My Scans table colored with two colors.

·         Total scans counter in My Scans.

·         Updating of AutoUpdater.

·         Extended log file.

·         B2C Automatic Duplicate feature.

·         No more admin permissions required.

·         No more removal of settings for re-activation.

·         GIA certificates download issue in firewall-protected networks.

·         http:// automatic prefix removed from ftp public url.

Bug fix

·         Application crash if no Settings file.

·         Multithread scans db access.

·         Application crash in My Scans ("scanId=0" bug)

·         Application crash if no logo found in the program documents directory.

·         Magnifying glass issues showing top corner.

·         Some activation issues.

·         More than one space is not shown in company name.


New feature

·         Crop tool - now it is possible to move the crop window up and down.

·         New Preview window - After each scan it is possible to modify the following:

o    Change scan's view setting - Show or hide your company details and logo, the stone's front or back still picture and the certificate

o    B2C settings - Remove all magnifying glass controls, "Girdle-to-Girdle" spin instead of 360 degree

o    Pro Toolkit - a professional editing abilities to adjust: Color Saturation, Hue, Brightness, Contrast and Sharpness

·         New edit window - Now it is possible to change scan's view and B2C settings for each scan after it was already saved.

System change

·         Change html 360 view plugin.


Bug fix

·         Sync scans’ details is always on.

Version –

New feature

·         Change html 360 view plugin to old scans (not including FTP scans).

System change

·         Sync scans’ details with server for new 360 view plugin template.


System change

·         Stability improvements for scans database (DES encryption disabled).

Bug fix

·         Bottom crop border limit.

·         Attempt to fix scans DB reset.

·         Company logo path redirects to original location instead of Data folder.

·         Force upgrade procedure.


System change

·         Creating local and AWS backup snapshot of the last unbroken scans database file for more data safety.

·         Application log upload to AWS on each exception.

·         Save scan details on management server.

Bug fix

·         Some UI fixes and improvements.


System change

·         Major log improvement.

·         Message while checking internet/FTP connection.

·         Error message while trying to create pair/edit scan on FTP if not exists.

Bug fix

·         Application crash while trying to get GIA certificate.

·         Application crash while building preview of new scan (camera3 problem).

·         It is possible to edit or create a pair with missing FTP scans.

·         'no cloud copy' after changing scan items option.


System change

·         Settings file and scans database backup.

·         Local application version is documented on server.

Bug fix

·         Email links do not open on iPhone.

·         FTP scans are not deleted from management server.

·         It is possible to edit or create a pair with missing FTP scans.


Bug fix

·         Bad links of FTP scans on management server.

·         Duplicate scans on management server while using an AWS account.

·         New error message while trying to edit or create a pair with missing FTP scans.


Bug fix

·         Application crash on first startup.

·         FTP and local scan’s audit is missing on server.

·         “No internet connection” error while trying to scan.

·         Local scans counter is wrong.

·         Scan’s URL is very long while using “Send by email” option (SendGrid).

·         Init camera before Arduino to attempt fixing camera connection problem.


Bug fix

·         Application crash while trying to edit scan on FTP account.

·         Can't edit scan and leave the same scan name on FTP account.


System change

·         Full logging in all critical sections for better errors tracking.

Bug fix

·         "Scan already exists" when save or edit a scan in external FTP accounts.

·         Edit, create pair and delete buttons enabled on scan uploading.

·         Checking available features on app start/new scan and auto disable in settings.

·         Settings window close while clicking "no" in save settings prompt.


New feature

·         Change each scan’s link by adding one of the following options to the link.
Scan’s name, Company name or free text.

·         FTPS support added for external FTP accounts.

System change

·         Remove unique ID from scan’s name for external FTP accounts.

Bug fix

·         Scan’s size is 0mb in server.


System change

·         internet connection checks and ftp connection checks.

Bug fix

·         When there is no internet connection, error message appear while trying to open settings.

·         "Uploading XX%” freeze while using search in My Scans.


Bug fix

·         Application crush while cancel settings changes.

·         "No FTP copy" in My Scans table appear for unloaded scans.


Bug fix

·         No prompt to save setting after ftp connection check.

·         Can't create pair or edit scans on ftp created in old versions.


Bug fix

·         Cloning scans on cloud account.

·         Counters problem when scan upload fails.


System change

·         Thumbnail for certificate pdf files modified.

Bug fix

·         JS folder is empty causing a blank preview screen.

·         Embed code for FTP accounts is not working.


Bug fix

·         Pair scan created in external FTP server is not working.

·         Scan is unavailable after changing scan’s name.

Version –

Minor System changes and Bug fix.


Bug fix

·         Application crush when searching while scan is uploading in background.


Bug fix

·         Save button remains off after changing “public url” or “path” in FTP settings.


Bug fix

·         Special characters in scan’s name makes it inaccessible (access denied).


System change

·         Modify old scans links to be short and user friendly.


New feature

·         Export button in “My Scans” screen to be able to export selected scan’s details and links to xlsx or csv file.

·         Search option in “My Scans” screen to search within existing scans by lot number, clarity, lab etc.

·         Embed code added for each scan’s 360 main view to be able to embed it in any desired website.

·         Automatic and fast upgrade for any future change, new feature or bug fix, when launching the application.

System change

·         Scans links modified to be much shorter and user friendly.

·         Scan’s preview phase modified to appear before the scan’s details window.

·         Add drop-down lists to Lab, Shape, Color and Clarity fields.

·         Add Pink and Blue to scan window options.

·         Add “open” button when finish creating pair scan.

·         Cancel backward spin before starting to scan.

Bug fix

·         Scans are not accessible when using special characters in scan’s name.

·         Color details for Fancy color diamond are placed in the wrong fields when uploading from GIA.

·         Sort columns in “My Scans” table in not working.

·         Scan in not available in specific security settings. Proxy settings added.


System change

·         Camera settings for preview phase modified to be dynamic.

·         Thumbnail for certificate pdf files modified.

Bug fix

·         GIA certificate uploaded automatically is corrupted.

·         Certificate files deleted when attaching and uploading manually.

·         Company details are not aligned with company logo.

·         Scan doesn’t work on computers with a specific regional settings.

·         Camera and Arduino drivers are not installed.

·         Scan’s system files do not backup.


New feature

·         GIA automatic details and certificate upload.


·         First public release.